Bounded Dynamic Programming Approach to minimize Makespanfor the Blocking Flowshop problem with Sequence Dependent Setup Times Constraints.
23 de março de 2021
Programa: Engenharia de Produção
Nível: Mestrado

Título: Bounded Dynamic Programming Approach to minimize Makespanfor the Blocking Flowshop problem with Sequence Dependent Setup Times Constraints.

Aluno: Edson Antonio Gonçalves de Souza

Orientador: Marcelo Seido Nagano
Banca: Prof Doutor Marcelo Seido Nagano
Prof. Dr. José Francisco Ferreira Ribeiro (FEA-RP)
Prof. Dr. Roberto Fernandes Tavares Neto (UFSCar)

Data: 14/05/2021
Hora: 10:00
Local: Google Meet -

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